Author - Constantly Redeemed: Ascending Spirals of Redemption

Tarsha M. Green


Author's Bio

Author, Tarsha M. Green, is a native of Houston, Texas, who possesses a flaming desire to share her testimony in hopes that the healing and salvation of others may be accomplished as she teaches perplexed and troubled souls the love of God.

Ms. Green has a heart for teen moms because she became pregnant at age 14, giving birth to a baby boy at age 15. Although she did not have support from her child’s father, she had a reliable support system consisting of her mom, her sister, and her stepdad. Even with this support and conquering the trials of being a teenage mom, she realized that there were many obstacles she had to face. With her families’ ongoing support, Ms. Green was able to finish school and make a career choice to enlist in the U.S. Army.

At the age of 20, Ms. Green joined the U.S. Army as a motor transportation specialist. She chose the military because she felt she was going down the wrong path and needed some discipline in her life. There, in the U.S. Army, she was assigned to the 25th Infantry Division located in Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. While serving, she was deployed to Kirkuk, Iraq, from 2004-2005 during Operation Iraqi Freedom II, where she earned several awards, including “Combat Action Badge, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, and Iraq Campaign Medal.” Ms. Green received an honorable discharge. This was all made possible through the support of her family.

Years later, Ms. Green traveled to Tanzania, Africa. While there, she saw teenage girls pregnant, excommunicated from their families, and living homeless and uneducated. They were stigmatized by the communities as well as their peers. Ms. Green could only imagine the ultimate fate of these young mothers’ lives. They could end up with toxic behaviors, become sex workers to survive, or worse, end up exploited through human trafficking along with being addicted to drugs or infected with HIV/AIDS, even death. This is an enormous problem in both the United States and in Africa. Compelled to give teen moms a fighting chance, she established a non-profit, charitable organization called Faith-In-Trinity Teen Moms, Inc. (F-I-T Teen Moms) in the Houston area and hopes to extend its outreach to Africa.

Ms. Green intends to share the Good News of the Gospel everywhere she travels while continuing to mentor young girls whose lives shadow her own. She wants them to know they can talk to her openly without judgment, no matter the subject. Her desire is to help them understand what has happened so they can become wiser and more responsible to prevent it from happening again. Most important of all, to help women, young and old, towards a spiritual awakening and a way of life she has grown to value herself.

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Tarsha M. Green

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