From My Heart to Yours!
If you are receiving this link, it’s because I am truly thankful for you, and I want to express my sincere gratitude. Early February 2024 marked the beginning of an emotionally challenging year for me. Throughout this time, many of you have offered encouragement, prayers, and counseling. Some have even shared my heavy burden of sorrow and tears.
As true friends and beloved family, you recognized when I needed space and understood when I needed your presence, even if it was just a phone call where I could vent and let out my frustrations along with an outpouring of gut-wrenching tears. For all of this, I humbly thank God for each of you.
Some of you entered my life later in the year, bringing unexplainable love and tremendous support, even without knowing the deep pain I was enduring and masking. I feel extremely blessed that the Lord allowed us to divinely cross paths. I hope and pray that I have been a good friend to you, just as you have been to me, and I look forward to the growth of our relationship.
Sitting and reflecting on how the Lord has shown His great love, comfort, and favor through all of you has me fighting back tears right now… And just that quick, I lose the fight…. the tears begin to flow…. But that’s okay—these are happy tears. These are actually tears of joy that my soul and entire being have been longing for.
I recognize that my journey of grief continues, and I will still face moments or even days of difficulty. However, I now feel capable of moving forward and free to EMERGE. And as I soar into all that God has prepared for me, I know that my daddy, Melvin E. Green, is right there soaring with me. (tears)
I appreciate every one of you, and I will NEVER forget how you stepped in and allowed the Lord to use you as a vessel to help carry me through a period of extreme grief, heartbreak, and mourning.
I LOVE YOU all, and I pray that the upcoming year (2025) brings you a harvest of blessings— a year of you reaping 1,000 fold of what you have sown into me! (Deut 1:11)
I bless you all with love, joy, peace, and ALL the fruits of God’s Holy Spirit! (Galatians 5:22-23)
Love Always,
Tarsha M. Green

I’m glad I was able to help you. I wish you the best and you’re doing great things. Continue to stay focus, pray and keep God in your life. I love you so much!
This us so beautiful know that you are truly loved!! 💖 love ❤️ GOD WILL CONTINE TO KEEP AND BLESS YOU!!
Awwww now my eyes are leaking!!! That was so beautifully worded and I thank God for allowing me to not only be a part of your journey but to see the growth and to see you SOAR into all that he has destined for you to accomplish!!! Love you my dear sunflower 🌻 sister 💚
God is a shield to all who take refuge in Him. (Psalm 18:30). My prayer has always been that you will find comfort knowing that He will never leave or forsake you. It has been a blessing to watch you on your journey as you moved through the grieving process and bless the lives of others through F.I.T., family and friends. Stay in the presence of the Lord and you will continue to soar. Love you much!❤️
❤️❤️❤️ Awwwww love this and I LOVE YOU ALWAYS TO INFINITY!!!!!!!